Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
agentId | integer |
None. |
memberType | DirectoryMemberType |
None. |
facebookId | string |
Required |
AccessToken | string |
Required |
CoverPhotoURL | string |
None. |
BrokerageURL | string |
None. |
PreferencesURL | string |
None. |
DateRegistered | date |
None. |
DateOfBirth | date |
None. |
Locale | string |
None. |
Gender | string |
None. |
profile_image | string |
None. |
profile_video | string |
None. |
firstName | string |
Required |
lastName | string |
Required |
string |
Required |
phone | string |
None. |
position_title | string |
None. |
year_licensed | integer |
None. |
license_type | string |
None. |
agent_type | string |
None. |
headline | string |
None. |
motto | string |
None. |
about | string |
None. |
services | string |
None. |
stateLicenseNumber | string |
None. |
website | string |
None. |
instagramUrl | string |
None. |
youtubeUrl | string |
None. |
googleUrl | string |
None. |
twitterUrl | string |
None. |
linkedinUrl | string |
None. |
pinterestUrl | string |
None. |
facebookUrl | string |
None. |
disclosures | string |
None. |
interests | string |
None. |
Score | integer |
None. |
SignupCompleted | date |
None. |
READBonusExpirationDate | date |
None. |
READReferrerPageName | string |
None. |
completedBasicProfile | boolean |
None. |
associationId | integer |
None. |
READReleaseViewDate | date |
None. |
READReferrerFbPageId | integer |
None. |
NRDSID | string |
None. |
mlsOrgId | string |
None. |
mlsAgentId | string |
None. |
mlsOfficeId | string |
None. |
mlsActive | string |
None. |
zips | Collection of string |
None. |
serviceAreas | Collection of ServiceAreaModel |
None. |
asapBalance | AsapBalanceModel |
None. |
budget | decimal number |
None. |
budgetUpdateDate | date |
None. |
balance | decimal number |
None. |
creditsBalance | decimal number |
None. |
budgetType | byte |
None. |
balanceRenewDay | byte |
None. |
asapActivationDate | date |
None. |
asapStatus | byte |
None. |
optimizeBids | boolean |
None. |
expertise | Collection of FocalAreaModel |
None. |
languages | Collection of Language |
None. |
credentials | Collection of CredentialModel |
None. |
association | AssociationModel |
None. |
displayRealtorIcon | boolean |
None. |
agentDirectoryPageId | string |
None. |
agentFeaturedlistingsPageId | string |
None. |
agentProfilePageId | string |
None. |
agentPropertySearchPageId | string |
None. |
updateIndex | string |
None. |
customURL | string |
None. |
awards | Collection of AgentAwardModel |
None. |
publications | Collection of AgentPublicationModel |
None. |
organizations | Collection of AgentOrganizationModel |
None. |
education | Collection of AgentEducationModel |
None. |
grantedFriendsPermission | boolean |
None. |
isSearchAllianceMember | boolean |
None. |
IsSearchAllianceInvited | boolean |
None. |
smsPhone | string |
None. |
enableSMS | boolean |
None. |
enableMyListingsSMS | boolean |
None. |
isSMSPhoneValidated | boolean |
None. |
isImpersonated | boolean |
None. |
additionalInformation | AgentDerivedModel |
None. |
mobileAppNotificationOn | boolean |
None. |
listingImportedDateTime | date |
None. |
homeSearchRegisteredDateTime | date |
None. |
appReauthorizeRequiredDate | date |
None. |
additionalTextForPosts | string |
None. |
accountInReview | boolean |
None. |
productServices | Collection of string |
None. |
saLeadChargeFailed | boolean |
None. |
readInviteOptIn | boolean |
None. |
agentSettings | Collection of AgentSetting |
None. |
verifiedAgent | boolean |
None. |
agentProfilePostMessage | string |
None. |
privacyPolicyUrl | string |
None. |
country | string |
None. |
hasReferredOtherAgents | boolean |
None. |