Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
DirectoryMemberType | DirectoryMemberType |
None. |
FacebookId | string |
None. |
AccessToken | string |
None. |
IsNew | boolean |
None. |
DataShareMlsIds | Collection of string |
None. |
About | string |
None. |
AboutYou_Display | boolean |
None. |
AccountSpecialists | Collection of AccountSpecialist |
None. |
AccountEvents | Collection of AccountEvent |
None. |
AgentBrokerages | AgentByBrokerage |
None. |
AgentDirectoryPageId | string |
None. |
AgentFeaturedListingsPageId | string |
None. |
AgentProfilePageId | string |
None. |
AgentPropertySearchPageId | string |
None. |
AgentType | string |
None. |
AgentType_Display | boolean |
None. |
AgentSigned | boolean |
None. |
AgentVideoURL | string |
None. |
Video_Display | boolean |
None. |
AgentZips | Collection of AgentZip |
None. |
AgentZips_Display | boolean |
None. |
ServiceAreas | Collection of ServiceArea |
None. |
AgentSettings | Collection of AgentSetting |
None. |
Budget | decimal number |
None. |
BudgetUpdateDate | date |
None. |
AsapBalance | AsapBalance |
None. |
BudgetType | byte |
None. |
ASAPStatus | byte |
None. |
BalanceRenewDay | byte |
None. |
ASAPActivationDate | date |
None. |
OptimizeBids | boolean |
None. |
ApiKey | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Association | Association |
None. |
Association_Display | boolean |
None. |
AssociationEmailSent | boolean |
None. |
AssociationId | integer |
None. |
AutoAddTabs | boolean |
None. |
Awards_Display | boolean |
None. |
Brokerage | Brokerage |
None. |
BrokerPhone_Display | boolean |
None. |
CommentsUrl | URI |
None. |
CoverageAreasRanks | Collection of CoverageAreaRank |
None. |
CoverPhoto | UserCoverPhoto |
None. |
CoverPhotos | Collection of ICoverPhoto |
None. |
Credentials | Collection of Credential |
None. |
Credentials_Display | boolean |
None. |
Disclosures | string |
None. |
Disclosures_Display | boolean |
None. |
DisplayPhone | boolean |
None. |
DisplayEmail | boolean |
None. |
DocumentKey | string |
None. |
EmailChanged | boolean |
None. |
Education_Display | boolean |
None. |
Expertise | Collection of FocalArea |
None. |
Expertise_Display | boolean |
None. |
FacebookPage | FacebookPage |
None. |
FacebookPages | Collection of FacebookPage |
None. |
Headline | string |
None. |
HomeSearchRegisteredDateTime | date |
None. |
Id | integer |
None. |
IdxDisabledTypeId | integer |
None. |
IDXUnsubscribed | boolean |
None. |
InstallationSourceID | byte |
None. |
Interests | string |
None. |
Interests_Display | boolean |
None. |
IsBrokerHomeSearchSubscription | boolean |
None. |
IsDreamSweepsSignupCompleted | boolean |
None. |
IsHomeSearchSignupCompleted | boolean |
None. |
IsLowReadScore | boolean |
None. |
DisplayRealtorIcon | boolean |
None. |
IsSignupCompleted | boolean |
None. |
Languages | Collection of Language |
None. |
Languages_Display | boolean |
None. |
LastUpdateDate | date |
None. |
Listings | Collection of AgentPropertyListing |
None. |
LicenseType | string |
None. |
LicenseType_Display | boolean |
None. |
ListingsImportedDateTime | date |
None. |
Membership | Membership |
None. |
MLSAgentId | string |
None. |
MLSOfficeId | string |
None. |
MLSOrgId | string |
None. |
MLSProvider | string |
None. |
MlsActive | boolean |
None. |
Motto | string |
None. |
Motto_Display | boolean |
None. |
MultipleListingService | MultipleListingService |
None. |
NplayEmailWhitelisted | boolean |
None. |
NRDSID | string |
None. |
Organizations_Display | boolean |
None. |
PagePostHistory | Collection of PagePostHistory |
None. |
PendingCampaignsUnsubscribe | boolean |
None. |
Phone | string |
None. |
ProfileImage | ProfileImageLink |
None. |
ProfileImageUrl | string |
None. |
PositionTitle | string |
None. |
Publications_Display | boolean |
None. |
ProfileUrl | URI |
None. |
CustomURL | string |
None. |
PropertyReportEnabled | boolean |
None. |
RankedZips | Collection of string |
None. |
READAppRequestSent | boolean |
None. |
READBonusExpirationDate | date |
None. |
READDate3StepsCompleted | date |
None. |
READOptoutAgentReferralEmail | boolean |
None. |
READOptputReferralEmail | boolean |
None. |
READReferrerFbPageId | integer |
None. |
READReferrerPageName | string |
None. |
READReleaseViewDate | date |
None. |
PrivacyPolicyUrl | string |
None. |
ReDataVaultVerify | ReDataVaultVerify |
None. |
Referrals | Collection of Referral |
None. |
Awards | Collection of AgentAward |
None. |
Publications | Collection of AgentPublication |
None. |
Organizations | Collection of AgentOrganization |
None. |
Education | Collection of AgentEducation |
None. |
Score | integer |
None. |
Services | string |
None. |
Services_Display | boolean |
None. |
ShowAdminProfileBanner | boolean |
None. |
Signature | string |
None. |
SignupCompleted | date |
None. |
StateLicenseNumber | string |
None. |
DisplayStateLicenseNumber | boolean |
None. |
SubscribePageEngageEmail | boolean |
None. |
UnsubscribeEmail | boolean |
None. |
UnsubscribeUrl | URI |
None. |
Website | string |
None. |
InstagramUrl | string |
None. |
YouTubeUrl | string |
None. |
GoogleUrl | string |
None. |
TwitterUrl | string |
None. |
LinkedInUrl | string |
None. |
PinterestUrl | string |
None. |
FacebookUrl | string |
None. |
Website_Display | boolean |
None. |
YearLicensed | integer |
None. |
YearLicensed_Display | boolean |
None. |
GrantedFriendsPermission | boolean |
None. |
UserSchedules | Collection of UserSchedule |
None. |
IsSearchAllianceMember | boolean |
None. |
IsSearchAllianceInvited | boolean |
None. |
Zips | Collection of string |
None. |
SMSPhone | string |
None. |
IsSMSPhoneValidated | boolean |
None. |
SMSValidationCode | string |
None. |
EnableMyListingsSMS | boolean |
None. |
HasEsignError | boolean |
None. |
EsignError | string |
None. |
EsignSigningUrl | string |
None. |
EsignDocDownloadUrl | string |
None. |
EsignWidgetKey | string |
None. |
EsignCreationStarted | boolean |
None. |
AgentSignedDate | date |
None. |
AgentGuid | globally unique identifier |
None. |
EsignDelegateEmail | string |
None. |
SaLeadChargeFailed | boolean |
None. |
AccessTokenExpirationDate | date |
None. |
AppReauthorizeRequiredDate | date |
None. |
AgentAffiliations | Collection of AgentAffiliation |
None. |
AdditionalTextForPosts | string |
None. |
InspectionDepot | boolean |
None. |
ProductServices | Collection of string |
None. |
AgentEmails | Collection of AgentEmail |
None. |
AgentProfilePostMessage | string |
None. |
HasReferredOtherAgents | boolean |
None. |